Collagen Lift Paris Unveils Collagen Lift Paris “Red Carpet”
Drinkable Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid:

Collagen Lift Paris Red Carpet is a powerful combination of drinkable collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Mediterranean seaweed and vitamin C, proven to reduce wrinkles by up to 50%.
What is Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic Acid is a gel-like molecule that is the space filler and cushioning agent in your skin. It can hold over 1,000 times its weight in water in your skin cells, making it an excellent moisturizer and resulting in decreased wrinkles and increased smoothness. Scientific studies have shown that Hyaluronic Acid improves skin hydration, stimulates collagen production in the skin and maintains skin elasticity.
Loss of Hyaluronic Acid with Age
Decreasing levels of Hyaluronic Acid are known to accompany the aging process and it is estimated that by the time we reach our mid-40’s, we only produce about half that is required by the body.
Supplementation of Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid is beneficial as an oral supplement because it retains skin moisture and keeps collagen synthesis up, contributing to the anti-aging benefits to the skin. Higher levels of Hyaluronic Acid and collagen means skin that is more supple and resistant to wrinkles and fine lines.
Look amazing now! Try Collagen Lift Paris Red Carpet today.